
10 Awesome Benefits of Walking


Step trackers have been making a huge comeback in the past year or so (even longer for Fit Bits).  People all over are talking about how many steps they take a day.  They’re competing against each other.  They’re making contests to see who can guess the amount of steps they’ll take during a day at Disneyland.  And these are all good things.  We have seen how being active (measured by steps) can correlate to being healthy.  Here are 10 of the best benefits of walking.

1. You’ll lose weight.  The current physical activity recommendations have us aiming for at least 150 minutes or 2.5 hours a week of moderate intensity activity or 75 minutes or 1.25 hours a week of vigorous intensity aerobic activity.  Adding regular walks, at a brisk pace or on difficult terrain, can help you reach these goals.  There are many programs out there aimed at walkers to help them lose weight.

2. Your mood will improve.  Taking a step away from work or home can help you to relax and refresh.  Also, getting some natural sunlight can help keep the mood up and combat seasonal affective disorder.

3. It’ll lower your blood pressure.  It has been shown that even daily 10-minute brisk walks can help you to lower your blood pressure.  Plus, like we mentioned above, getting away from stress at work by taking a walk, can help you relax.

4. It’s low impact and will save your joints.  We could all do better at taking care of our bodies and often our joints face the brunt of the work we do.  Walking is a good way to get some aerobic activity without pounding the joints.

5. It can improve your balance.  If you really want to challenge yourself, take a trail vs. a paved path and pay attention.  Uneven surfaces, ups and downs will all challenge your core and force you to improve your balance.

6. Give your legs and booty some shape.  The movements you do and muscles you work while walking can begin to  change the shape of your body.  Tone and firm your legs and booty with daily walks.

7. You’ll get sick less.  More active individuals tend to be healthier, which means when a cold comes calling their bodies are better able to fight it off.  Walking can also be a good start back into fitness after a particularly nasty bout with sickness.

8. It can be your quiet time, or time to reconnect with someone.  Whether you want to spend some time alone, or vent with your co-worker, or catch up with a friend, taking a walk can be a healthy way to do just that.  Make talking a walk good for your soul as well as your body.

9. You can boost your creativity.  Many people claim that taking a walk can get their creative juices flowing.  Sometimes you need a break or a new inspiration and a walk can give you just that.

10. You’ll become more regular.  Walking can speed up digestion, which will give you more regular bowel movements.  No one like being backed up, and if taking walks can help prevent this, why not try it?!?

There are so many more benefits to walking, especially when you make it a regular routine.  I personally am challenging myself to take my dog on more walks (she gets exercise running and playing in the yard, but she loves her walks!).  It’s a great time to catch up on podcasts or some books on tape as well!